Produce the new media product following industrial working practices safely.


We each did our own versions of what we thought the advert should be like. This one is my version. My idea was an american cheesy advert which will grab the audience's attention. The main point in the advert is when the man is opening and closing the draws and things keep appearing. Giving off an impression that the draws are magical and everyone should have some. Using notes to help explain.

After this i wrote down a draft of what i think the script would be like if we had chosen my storyboard. It is however only in note form as its only a draft.

Furthermore we had a meeting about our choices and made an overall decision on our final storyboard by taking sections from each colleges work. The opening and closing titles were taken from Ambers, the idea of having broken draws came from Tom's, Having two characters was Elliot's idea and the appearing objects came from my initial plan. The reason we did it like that is so that everyones work came into account and everyone was treated fairly. It worked to our advantage as we have a piece of work that everyone had a part of and that makes everyone happy.
Initial plans.

This is our final storyboard. Our plans are to do a stereotypical American style advert. This will be achieved by making the mood look happy and joyful but also funny. We wanted to make it easy to remember like previous adverts i had seen online in various places. I have included an example of a catchy yet annoying advert that is very well known. The reason it is so well known is because of its catchy tune that get into peoples heads.
The more rememberable it is the more likely you are to sell and to get people to come back to your website. By increasing the amounts of sales you’re increasing your sales margin which is effectively also going to increase your profit however you will only make a profit once you have covered your costs.

One major part of making a video or commercial would be lighting and mood. When you have a bright lighting it generally makes the whole mood feel positive. However if the lighting was dark it would make it feel dark and gloomy. This would be useful if you wanted a mysterious mood to your video/commercial. As we want a ‘cheesy’ stereotypical feeling we wanted our filming to be bright. We are going to achieve this by using the atrium to film as it has white walls. The colour white tends to reflect light giving off a sense of brightness.

Furthermore having a lot of space and it being rather empty may make it look weird and mysterious. This is part of what we wanted for our advert. Also by using actors that are cheesy and stereotypical americans it will also fit into our commercial so when I was directing them I told them to be cheesy and slightly american.

By using the camer 360 degree rule we will do many different shots allowing us to chooose the appropiate ones that we want. The music we will get off of imovie and we will chose one that goes with our appropiate theme of commerical. Using quick changing of shots would change the feeling of the commercial.

Target audience.
For our advert our target audience we chose is Male and Female 20-30 middle class. This is because hardware and diy it considered a manly thing to do. Our advert would be appealing to women because of the guys actors it would naturally draw them into wanting the product or paying more attention to the advert. It is also a cheesy advert which would be more appealing to a woman, as woman are generally more feminine they tend to like decorating and making things look pretty. This would also be a big selling point for our company.

The reason we want to sell 20-30 year olds is because this is the age that young people tend to move out and decorate their own house. We wouldn't sell many products to children as they don't care about how their room looks or is organised only about having fun. This would mean no sales as our product isn't practical for them. Not only this but if our target audience is both sex then young adults moving in together or getting married would both find it appealing.

I have included two photos of typical target audience for our product. As this is just our target audience we do hope to sell to others but this however is our main target. It helps us to set goals and make it appealing for our potential customers, If we didn't have a target audience then the advert might not work. This is because it might not end up appealing to anyone and so we wouldn't make any sales increasing the chance of failing and loosing profit.

To hit our target audience we have to show our advert at appropriate places and times. For example if an advertising company wanted to have their advert on television and wanted to hit a teenage audience they could air the advert during a show such as Hollyoaks or 90210. This is because a lot teenagers watch these programmes and so it would be appropriate to let them view it during the middle of the show.

Another way they could be advertised is online for example putting an advert along the side of a website or pop ups. However pop ups are considered quite annoying and so people wouldn't want our advert popping up on their screen. Furthermore an appropriate website for our draws would be something such as B&Q or another DIY shop. This is because it is easily relatable.

For our advert we would want it to go onto the Television. This means we would have to ensure it is roughly 30 seconds long in order to fit advertising needs. Most advertisements are 30 seconds to a mintue long however we wanted to keep it as short as possible.

To sum up my research.
Niche or mass? I think that our TV advert would be mass market but our longer Internet version would be niche because it will only be put on certain websites.
Active or passive? I think our advert is active because we are trying to engage our audience by asking them questions.
Gender: Male and Female
Ethnicity: All mainly English
Age: 20-30 year olds
Class/status: Middle class

Interview with designer.
This is another groups work, we had to use it because the designer didn't want to record any more videos. He had enough of interviews and he had a lot on his plate at the time. Matt Hillaby's post can be found here (
In the video he begins to explain how it was originally designed for magazines and he wanted it to look like it was floating. He originally designed it for hairdressers to allow them to keep their shops tidy and modern at the same time. He painted it white because the name of his original product was 'Cloud 90'. From watching this video i learnt the different sizes he wanted to make available for his customers A5, A4 and newspaper's. This is so that it doesn't just have one purpose. Steven's inspiration for his product was an artist called Frank Woodwright, he was the artist that made things look like theyre floating. He also considered different thickness's and dimensions of boxes.

Safe and industrial practices.

The shots we used were:
Establishing shot.
The establishing shot helps show the setting.
Medium shot (walking in).
Waist upwards shot of Lemar walking in.
Tracking shot.
Showed lemar walking towards Cory.
Close up (draw).
The close up helps you to get a closer view of the draw and the reasoning behind the advert. We also see a close up of the price this was so that we could magnify the pricing so our audience knows how much the draws are.

In process of filming we had to ensure that everyone was safe whilst carrying and using the equpiment. We made sure there were no dangerous catches on the draws that someone could hurt themself on. We also had to ensure that all the equipment was handled with care. This ment getting a trolley for the draws and using a camera bag for the camera itself.


This screenshot shows the script as it is at the moment. Me and Amber have filled in our sections leaving Tom and Elliot to have their imput. I put the sections together and got Ambers writing off of her blog. I put it up because i didn't have time to wait for Tom and Elliot to complete their bits and eventually had to upload it as it was.

Split up into different sections this script is written by four different people.

No speech during these scenes
We open with a graphical shot with the name that we decided to call the product 'BlockMiester draws' , in bold text to grab the audiences attention. ( This will be edited in iMovie once filming is complete).
(No actors or crew needed in this scene)

A close up shot of the product 'BlockMiester draws' ( then the theme tune starts as shots begins)
(No actors in scene).
The draws are on a table , with a plain bold background to make the elegant white draws stand out.



Cory: Look at this, isn't she beautiful.
Lemar: Yeah man.
Cory: These draws are magicial
Lemar: wooo.
Cory: Think of something you desire the most right now.
Lemar: I would like some, H2O.
Cory: Okay, open the draw.
Lemar: Oh my god, it really is magicial.
(Shots change)
Lemar: Where's it gone?
Cory: Only £99.99

Standing by the draws.
Actors either side.
Shoot all scenes in different shots sizes and angles.

No speech during these scenes
End frame :
Back to graphical shot , name of the draws "BlockMiester draws' and the slogan 'Make Magic Happen' with a bold background against white elegant writing. (Edited on iMovie once filming is completed)

Final product.
In the end we created two commercials, one lasting 55secs and the other lasting only 24secs. This is because the full version was too long to be shown on TV as the majority of TV commercials last about 30secs. We wanted to represent this in our work but we did still however have the long version aswell. We could use this one for online adertising like Xbox do on youtube and other similar channels. The editing for the long version was done by myself, with a little help from amber on shot sizing. The shorter version was done by Elliot by himself. This was so that the other members could go off and fill in any gaps for outstanding work. Not only this but it gave them space to work. We did however all still have input and viewed it after to make sure that everyone in our group was happy with the final result. We didn't have to make many changes as we were all pleased. This meant it could be finalised and uploaded quicker.

Logging shots.

These screen shots are off Ambers blog.
The reason i have used these are to save me time by screenshotting aswell and to show the different shots that we decided to use.
TC in
TC out
*/ NG
Scene 1
Take 1
The opening titles, saying 'Do you need new draws?'
Attention grabbing is good.
Medium/wide shot
Scene 2
Take 1
Lemar walking in with broken draws.
Its good but could be positioned better
Lemar huffs as he walks in
Capture the fustration
Wide/medium shot
Scene 3
Take 1
Lemar meets cory and then they walk over to the new set of draws.
This was a good tracking shot of the conversation
Cory and lemar talk about the draws
Track the both of them well
Scene 4
Take 1
Close-up of draws being closed with bottle in there.
Close up was good.
Medium shot
Scene 5
Take 1
Opens draw and the bottles gone missing.
Clear medium shot was good
Cory and lemar
Scene 4
Take 1
Close-up showing the empty draw.
Fit in rather well
ONLY £99.99
Make price appear important
Scene 5
Take 2
Close-up of Cory leading into a zoom of the price.
Good, quick zoom in.
Closing titles
Scene 6
Take 1
Ending titles.
The background fits in with the magical theme.

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