Carry out recces and risk assessments for production areas

Recce assessments.

A risk assessment is assessing the amount of risk being taken at a certain time and place. It is usually done for filming and includes looking at lighting, equpiment, furniture and health and safety regulations.
As a group we individually did two recce's each so as a group we did eight overall. Using the sheets to help us we all wrote notes at our individual rooms writing an overall summary on our bloggers.

This recce was done at S10 (Mr Butchers room) by me. From doing this I learnt that the room would be good for a shot that needs tables and chairs but not for one that requires a lot of space and would be a time consuming proccess. This is because there is usually a lot of students around relying on that space to do their work so we would have to book the space for a long period of time which would mean others cannot use that space. One advantage of this space is the amount of plug sockets there are and so this might make our job easier for charging up cameras and laptops.

The second recce i did was for T2 by north block. This is because its usually a quiet area that may be easy to film in. However in doing the recce I realised how much equpiment there is and would need to be moved so i dont think this would be a wise choice for our group to choose. It wouldn't be suitable.

Our chosen location was on Ambers blog.

After all the recce assessments we did in the various places we came together to make a final decision. In conclusion our team decided, that we will be filming inside the atrium, and drama room if needed. The reason's being are that the atrium has a good source of natural lighting, its spacious and artificial lighting is still available in the atrium and drama room.

What numbers do we need if something does go wrong and ICE (Incase of Emergancy)? We still need to fill in the blanks for our own phone numbers.

Example of risk assessment explaining how they work given to me by Mr Becker.

These two sheets need to later be filled out once we have made further decisions on what we're filming, where and when we are filming. Without this information I cannot fill out this sheet to continue. The first one is about hazards in the work place and the second one is further actions that need to take place in order for us to be ready to film.

These two sheets are yet to be filled in.

As a group we had a meeting an decided that we would film our commerical in the atruim. Before filming in the atruim we needed to do a risk assessment. This means we will be going into further detail about the hazards in this area.

Risk assessments

Questions typed out by Elliot and answered by Myself, Rianna.

Is there any water ? There is no danger of water in the atrium. This is because there is no taps or leakages in this room.
Are there any wires going across the floor ? No there aren't any loose wires anywhere. This room is currently empty.
Is there anything you could burn yourself on ? There is nothing that someone could burn themselves on as the room is currently empty.
Will others be walking through the set ? There shouldn't be anyone coming through as its classroom right next to a corridor. How ever we do need to allow for the noise pollution.
Are there tripping hazards ? There isn't currently anything in the room so they're shouldn't be any tripping hazards unless of equipment.
Is there anything sharp ? No there isn't.
Are there bags on the floor ? No unless we need to put ours down. However we leave them in the corner of the room.
Could somebody trip over a chair or table ? There is no furniture in the room.
Is the room hot or cold ? Warm because of the sun coming through the glass roof, however depends on the weather.
Could the product be damaged ? The product could get dropped or knocked. We are however going to be really careful with it.
Could any other design technology work be damaged ? As long as we are careful with all the equipment then it shouldn't get damaged.
Are there lights shining in anybodies eyes ? Depending on the sunlight it can be quite bright but there would also be artificial lights available in case its too dark. 

Other things we needed to take into account for were handling toxic materials, lifting heavy objects, using sharp equipment, personal safety and wearing inappropiate clothing.

If one of us were to wear inappropiate clothing to the filming then someone might trip or hurt themselves. When using any sharp electrical equpiment everyone must use gloves and protect themselves accordingly. When lifting heavy objects you must use your knee's not using your back by bending over. We have no toxic materials to handle however if we did we would have to use appropiate gloves and clothing.

These photos of the atrium were done by Amber Gardiner. I have used them on my blog to show where we are locating our commericial and what its like inside. As you can see we dont have much control over lighting but it is a large spaceious area.

This is the media suite were we edit. Photo also done by Amber.

This is the updated Risk Assessment sheet that i filled in. However i lost the first one so i had to write on a new one. The hazards i wrote about were Dropping the draws, Bright lighting and slippery floors.

After doing the risk assessment we then had to do an action plan. This ment what action we were going to take in order to avoid this particular hazard happening.

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