
In my group I worked with Amber, Elliot and Tom. As a group we worked well as we split up our responsibility. Sometimes I find it difficult to work as a part as a team because of relying on others however with this group I could get on easily and it all worked. I had a lot of imput into this group and felt like I was leading most of it however i liked to tell the others what they can do next in order to move forward as a group in a whole.

I tried to get my work done as soon as possible, this was so that i could move on quicker. The further ahead we got the better because we could then move onto the next thing and have plenty of time. I made sure that i didnt rush my work because i wanted to get a good grade however i felt it was useful doing my work ahead of time. As my group all have a instant messaging app called BBM i decided to create a group, this meant that we could instantly contact everyone else in the group if there were issues or someone wanted to ask a question. This certainly helped because we didn't have to wait in order to see the others. Our group managed to stick to all our deadlines, some quicker than others.

Our advert was targeted at young adults males and females. We had to apply this to our work throughout the project so we hit our target needs and wants. After deciding our target audience I did some personal research looking at other adverts. I know that using rememberable adverts is an effect way of advertising to i looked at some of these.

Commercial (TV Version) from Rianna Dulake on Vimeo.

Both of these videos have catchy but annoying music. Its likely to get into someones head allowing them to remember it more. They use the same actor in every show so we could do this to ours if we were to make a sequiel. We would use Cory again. This is because it gives the audience a sense of similarity and almost becomes an icon for that particular company.

I think it worked rather well in the end, me and Amber produced the actual final product but it helped that we had the others Tom and Elliot to help finalise everything and help with the planning side of things. We assigned each other roles however we didn't stick to them as initally thought. This is because Tom didn't do all of our production diarys, we all did our own recce's and I we were all involved with the actual making of the final product.

In conclusion i think my team worked well together and the outcome was good in the end. It could be improved but we worked well with what we had and the time we were given. Next time I would spend more time on the actual production by perfecting every shot. I might also add some more colours into the shots.

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