Maintain a production diary.

 Production/working schedule.

Booking sheet and contingency plans

Bookings sheet for the week of Monday 14th May - Friday 18th May. Amber booked us in for Period 3 lunch and period 4 for the equipment. This means that no-one else could use/take our equipment.
This equipment included the HD camera and a tripod from the media suite.

The next week starting Monday 21st we would need a camera-USB cable and an apple mac with the correct equipment on to edit. This is easily available to us so we didn't need to book in advance.
In doing this we also had to make contingency plans, this meant that if one of us were ill or unavailable we would be able to cope without them.

Friday 18th May (Production day)
Elliot was off school ill so myself, Tom and Amber picked up the filming by ourselves however after setting up Tom had to disappear due to a meeting. This meant that it was just me and Amber filming. However we did have our actors Cory and Lemar ready to take orders. This was most useful as we could just get on with what we needed to do.
When setting up we made sure that it wasn't raining and all equipment was handled with care. This included us having to get a trolley to carry the draws on as they were heavy. If someone was to carry them and hurt themselves then it would be down to us to sort it. We also made sure when we lifted it we lifted it whilst bending our knees instead of bending over. In case of back injury. No equipment got damaged in the process of making our commercial.

There was no use of any toxic materials or any sharp electrical equipment so this didn't need to be taken in for account however there were emergancy names and numbers if we needed them whilst recording. Another thing we had to take into account was our clothing, this is because if we were to wear something that could cause an accident then it would be our fault and it would be putting ourselves and the equpiment to risk.
What if equipment was to brake?
If in the case equipment was broken when we picked it up we would try and find a replacement as there are eight cameras and four tripods to chose from. We would then inform the teacher of the broken camera/tripod.

Bad weather?
If it had been bad weather we would have had to taken the equipment down the other way round the school to protect it from getting wet, it would not have stopped us from filming because we decided to go for somewhere indoors.
What equipment did we need?
  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Bottle water (prop)
  • Broken draws (prop)
  • The new draws
The old draws was brought in by myself as my sister had some that were broken and no good to her anymore. We had to damage it slightly more, adding a few scratches to make it look more broken and smashed about.


Discussing storyboards.
Tuesday 22nd May 2012

Meeting called by Rianna Dulake

Attendees:  Tom, Amber, Rianna and Elliot.
Please read:  We will be discussing the storyboard and final idea for our advert. It will be done in lesson, in our normal classroom (T2)
Please bring: You will need to bring your storyboard so we can make a final decision on our commercial.

This is a screenshot of one of my agendas. I did this to call a meeting about our storyboards. I called the meeting as i decided it was time we moved on as our idea was nearly fully developed. I sent this out so all of our group new what to expect the next time we met up. I was in charge of mintues for this meeting as well so i have written them up in a newer post.

Recce Meeting Agenda.

Friday 13th April 2012

Meeting called by Rianna Dulake

Attendees: Tom, Amber, Rianna and Elliot.
Please read: Everyone will be required to do their own recce’s. This means that we will all have our own work and we can then choose the best from
Please bring: You will need to bring some paper and pens for notes.  

Monday 16th April 2012

Get the first recce’s done and in detail. Get one or two done ready for the meeting.

Tuesday 17th April 2012

Go into detail with your recce’s deciding which ones your favourite one is and why. You need to be able to explain why.

Additional Instructions:

Write information on a room or space, you will need to talk about hazards, space and availability. We will all be doing two different places each in order to expand our possibilities. We will then make an overall decision on where we should film our final product.

Minutes of meeting.

This agenda was done so that we all have a clear understanding of whats happening about location. We all agreed to spend two days on recce's. This was so that they had enough time to start and finish them before we have another meeting.

We all took it in turn to write down our conversations, so we all have written about different meetings. This was to make it fair as we all shared similar responsibilities rather than giving them to one particular person. Here are my notes from the meeting about Storyboards.
Atendancee's Elliot, Tom, Rianna & Amber.

Elliot: I think we should to an advert that is eye catching.
Rianna: I agree i think it should be funny, make people laugh but not get on peoples nerves.
E: No not like that annoying go compare advert.
Amber: At least its well known. We want to create awareness.
Tom: It defiantly needs to be rememberable.
R: How about if it's cheesy so its still rememberable.
A: Yeah like it's an american cheesy. It should have big beginning and end.
R: What if we put something funny in the draw.
E: Yeah like we should put a baby in there or something. Who knows someone with a baby.
R: Elliot you cannot be serious, What about health and safety?
E: Oh, yeah thats true.
T: What about broken draws cos then it'll show how useful the new ones are.
E: Maybe we should have more than one character. We should do something big and amazing.
R: I think we should all do our own ideas in our own storyboards and then choose the best one and go with that. Atleast thats a fair way of doing it.
E: But who would choose the best one?
Teacher: I would choose for you.
E: Lets do that.
(All agreed)

Come back with our own storyboards.
T: I like the idea of things appearing in the draws from Rianna's.
E: So do i, I think we all agree on having opening and closing titles.
A: Yes it helps the audience understand
R: It also makes it open and close like it has a start and a finish. Maybe that should go in our first and last box's on our storyboard.
A: Yes ill draw them in.
T: What about my idea of broken draws and them buying new ones.
R: Yes i like that because its also quite american and cheesy like mine. It would fit in well if we were to merge them together.
E: Well why don't we merge them together then? We could also use two characters like we were going to do if we chose mine.
R: So we'd have two actors, one comes in with broken draws. And the other try's to sell it to him. But by things appearing in the draws it gives it a sense of magic.

Recce meeting mintues
Atendancee's Elliot, Tom, Rianna & Amber.
E: So how are we going to decide where to choose?
T: Well ive already thought of two locations
R: Where did you decide?
T: SDC and a classroom.
A: Can i do the atrium?
R: Yes, me and elliot will find some classrooms to do that may be suitable.
Once we have decided what room we want to use we can then plan for contingencys.
A: Shall we all do our own recce's then and then go from there?
R: Yeah i think thats the best way to go about it.
T: Dont forget you have to get permission aswell if you plan on using that room.
E: Good point.

Production schedule.

This is our original production diary I put together for our team. Tom was supposed to be in charge of doing the production schedule however i decided to do it myself.
We then needed to update the production schedule because we didn't complete all the filming we needed to have done.

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