Plan the production process for a new media product.

Working title.
We had to chose between two products a chester draw and a saddle testing seat. We chose the draw as it would be wanted by a larger audience. Also the draw is modern and looks new which would help sell the product.

Photographs taken by myself, Rianna.
Work written by myself.

Project name; Blockmiester draws.

Product Description; The chester draws are white draws with space to store items on top like a shelf. There is one draw so this is the main feature however the practical side of using it as a shelf would also be handy. The draw has a silver handle for easy use. It can be used to store paper, stationary and other accessories. The boxy shape and bright white exterior makes it look modernised and clean. This would fit in well with a modern room or house. The product is more for visual looks than practical use because it takes up a lot of space. By taking up a lot of space would decrease the amount of potential customers.
White modern looking shelf and draws.
The exterior of the draws are a floating looking shelfs.
This was probably done so it looks cool and modern.
A large draw fit for A3 paper in the centre with space above it to store papers.

The reason we chose this product was because it is simple yet still looks good and is something that people would be interested in buying. It looks good but it also useful which would help draw in potential customers. The design would suggest that it was produced for the use of teenagers and young adults. This is because it doesn't look as if an older age group would find this interesting. 
Initial planning.
We are going to make an advertisements for the chester draws, it is a unique product originally designed and will help promote the designer. We will be doing this in our group dividing up the responsibilities, i'm working with Elliot, Amber and Tom.
We plan on making an TV commercial based around our product, Draws. Were do we start?

Colour scheme.

- Branding Identity.
  • Name
  • Design
  • Logo
  • Slogan
  • Colour scheme
  • Products and Packaging
  • Anything visual that represents the business
  • Apparel Design 
  • Stationery (Letterhead + business card + envelopes)

Example of Logo.
- Marketing Mix
  • Product
  • Place
  • Promotion
  • Price
- Commercial Ideas
  • Initial ideas
  • Storyboard
  • Script
- PreProduction
  • Equipment
  • Recces/Hazzards
  • Location/Time
- Final Production
- Editing
Roles within the group.

Toms section was filmled by Elliot.
Elliot & Ambers section was filmed by myself.
My section was filmed by Amber.

My role in the group is to do evaluation of the pre production and final product. I was given this because i can do written work well and i can analyse well to due to my media and photography skills. In doing the evaluation i will have to evaluate all our group, what went well and what didnt work as well and what we would inprove apon next time.
We filmed our roles quickly to save time and use that time for reasearch and also because we dont all like being infront of the camera and so in filming this was a bit of a challenge anyway. The editing could have been done better but we wanted to spend our time working efficiently.
Elliot was given the role of recces and risk assessments. This is because he is aware of problems and hazards. Tom was put in charge of production diary, and he needs to ensure that our production diary is updated often. He is in charge of this because he likes to keep everyone organsied and make sure its done in a certain amount of time. Amber is doing the completion of media products, this is because she likes doing the actual filming and so it was appropiate for her to take this role.

Estimated time.
Prezi created and uploaded by myself. 
The reason I made this prezi was to help demonstrate the steps and process I need to go through to create the final product.
Estimated costs.

Already accessable to us at school..
  • Video camera
  • Tripod
  • Lighting
  • Props (draws)
  • Editing software
  • Camera batteries
  • Camera film/Dvd
  • Microphone
  • DSLR (for any still image if required)
  • Computers
  • USB cable for camera to computer
  • Paper and pens (Any mintues or notes need to be taken)

Needs to be specially orderd..
  • Dv tape
  • Cd's
  • Specialist papers
As we have access to all this equipment at school we wont need to pay to hire or lease any however i decided to research pricings if we had needed to hire the equipment. We also dont need to specially order anything as we dont require this equpiment. This research is shown in my Costs Prezi.

If the product was made by a bigger international company what kind of costs would they have compared to making the product inside school? As we are a school we dont have to pay extorshonate prices for equipment as it is avaliable for us to use and borrow as we please. In this prezi i show how much we would have spent on the equipment that we borrowed. Prezi created and uploaded myself.

Locations and work areas.
Potential ideas for location?
  • Classroom
  • SDC
  • Library
  • Drama studio
  • Atrium
  • Study room
Things to consider when in locations. (RECCE)
  1. Lighting
  2. Avaliability
  3. Health and safety
  4. Getting permission
  5. Hazards
  6. Suitability
  7. Sound
  8. A second plan
  9. Repeat visits to check.
Locations for editing? - T1,T2
Locations for recording sound? - Radio, T2

Other areas we will require is an editing suite to edit our footage, a computer to upload our work to blog, location for filming and somewhere for recording any sound. We already have a place to edit our work on the Apple mac's in T2 as they already have all the software on that we require. We have access to different computers at school and at home so we will all be able to add work onto our blogs at any time.

Schedule dates.

Monday 18th- Plans
Monday 19th - Equipment, materials & contigency plans
Tuesday 20th - Production, schedule & diary
Thursday 22nd - Recce
Wednesday 28th - Risk assessment & hazards
Thursday 29th - Writing copy and production paper edit, script & storyboard

Monday 16th - Working PracticesMonday 16th - Camera and sound
Tuesday 17th - Filming finished by 19th
Thursday 19th - Editing & Edit Record of dicisions and solutions ( HW Finish Edit ) Consolidation of Production Diaries
Wednesday 25th - Evaluate Production Process
Evaluate of Final Product

Booking sheets and contingency plans.

Bookings sheet for the week of Monday 14th May - Friday 18th May. Amber booked us in for Period 3 lunch and period 4 for the equipment. This means that no-one else could use/take our equipment.
This equipment included the HD camera and a tripod from the media suite.

The next week starting Monday 21st we would need a camera-USB cable and an apple mac with the correct equipment on to edit. This is easily available to us so we didn't need to book in advance.
In doing this we also had to make contingency plans, this meant that if one of us were ill or unavailable we would be able to cope without them.

Friday 18th May (Production day)
Elliot was off school ill so myself, Tom and Amber picked up the filming by ourselves however after setting up Tom had to disappear due to a meeting. This meant that it was just me and Amber filming. However we did have our actors Cory and Lemar ready to take orders. This was most useful as we could just get on with what we needed to do.
When setting up we made sure that it wasn't raining and all equipment was handled with care. This included us having to get a trolley to carry the draws on as they were heavy. If someone was to carry them and hurt themselves then it would be down to us to sort it. We also made sure when we lifted it we lifted it whilst bending our knees instead of bending over. In case of back injury. No equipment got damaged in the process of making our commercial.

There was no use of any toxic materials or any sharp electrical equipment so this didn't need to be taken in for account however there were emergancy names and numbers if we needed them whilst recording. Another thing we had to take into account was our clothing, this is because if we were to wear something that could cause an accident then it would be our fault and it would be putting ourselves and the equpiment to risk.

What if equipment was to brake?
If in the case equipment was broken when we picked it up we would try and find a replacement as there are eight cameras and four tripods to chose from. We would then inform the teacher of the broken camera/tripod.

Bad weather?
If it had been bad weather we would have had to taken the equipment down the other way round the school to protect it from getting wet, it would not have stopped us from filming because we decided to go for somewhere indoors.
What equipment did we need?
  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Bottle water (prop)
  • Broken draws (prop)
  • The new draws
The old draws was brought in by myself as my sister had some that were broken and no good to her anymore. We had to damage it slightly more, adding a few scratches to make it look more broken and smashed about.

Contingency plans for our location incase it wasnt available would be iether SDC or another room we did a recce for such as S10. Incase our actors were ill or couldnt make it we would have used Elliot and Tom. However our actors could make it and they we're otherwise occupied.

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